- Javascript: the 80.000 most frequented websites (according to Alexa) have been scanned to determine which JavaScript plugins they are using. The results of this scan have been organized in charts, and can be downloaded from GitHub.
- Maven: 10% of the Maven repository has been scanned to extract Java artifact dependencies. The results of this scan have been organized in charts, and can be downloaded from GitHub.
- WordPress: the 500.000 most frequented WordPress websites (according to Alexa) have been scanned to determine which WordPress plugins they are using. The results of this scan have been organized in charts, and can be downloaded from GitHub.
- Program variants: 472 variants of 7 classes in 7 Java libraries developped by Apache and Google. THis dataset was used for the experiments in our work “DSpot: Test Amplification for Automatic Assessment of Computational Diversity”. The data is available here and the tool for diversity assesment is available here.
All results presented in this section are still work in progress.